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Good news! Marlee Jean has been found!

Lost Date March 4th, 4:47pm
Wearing collar? No
Last seen at 5433 N Addison St, Spokane, WA 99207, USA
Found Date March 6th, 8:44pm
found pet last seen at marker on map Found at SCRAPS, East Trent Avenue, Spokane Valley, WA, USA
Marlee was let out to go potty, I went inside to grab a coat and turn off my water at the sink and when I went back outside I couldn't find him anywhere. He didnt have a collar on always shakes out of it and acts as if hes hyperventilating with it on his neck. Marlee was a rescue animal who used to be abused with past owners so I try not to force the wearing of his collar because of it bothering him. He never leaves his own yard is trainer not to so first thought was he couldn't have gone far. We searched and couldn't find him so I think someone could have picked him up and taken him.


pet found at marker location on map

Marlee Jean

Marlee Jean, a Fawn Chihuahua (Short Coat) Dog
Tag Code N02UZMBB (Expired)
Breed Chihuahua (Short Coat)
Species Dog

Basic Information

Color Fawn
Gender Male
Spayed/Neutered Yes
Microchip Number 985113003742838
Approximate Age 15 years old
Identifying Markings Small brown spot on top of his head on left side
Coat Short Fawn color with white on chest and chin

Owner Information