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Artemis is lost!

Lost Date March 12th, 4:33pm
Wearing collar? No


pet found at marker location on map


Artemis, a White, light brown, black freckles on white nose German Shephard/Great Dane Mix Dog
Tag Code Q9X67K (Expired)
Breed German Shephard/Great Dane Mix
Species Dog

Basic Information

Color White, light brown, black freckles on white nose
Gender Male
Spayed/Neutered No
Pet Date of Birth 01/15/2019
Identifying Markings Black Freckles on white nose, when facing him his right eye is surrounded by brown fir, and left eye is surrounded by white fir.
Coat White course coat with brown “circular” patches through his body.
Pet Biography Artemis was brought into our loving caring home after braving it with his fellow pups in the cold snowy end of January, and beginning of February we had.

Owner Information

Owner Name Nicholas Langill
Phone Number (509) 994-1853

Pet Care Information

Obedience Level In Training
Temperaments Very lovable at times, while also being incredible rambunctious while playing with his older siblings.
Friendly with People Yes
Friendly with Children Yes
Friendly with Dogs Yes
Friendly with Cats Yes
Type of Food Whole Hearted Puppy Food—Nongrain.
Feeding Schedule and Amount Currently feed him three times daily (morning, early afternoon, and evening). Half a cup of food plus an additional packet of wet food evenly divided throughout the day.
Exercise Requirements Needs walked daily, and loves playing fetch and wrestling with his older sister.
Other Care Instructions for my Pet Artemis is still very young needing attention and guidance towards behaviors that are acceptable and unacceptable. He is a quick study, and is learning that he is not the alpha of the pack (we the humans are in charge). He has a stubborn temperant trying to challenge his older sister at times, or us. All part of the growing process :-)

Medical Information

Vaccines Currently attempting to get him in for his second set of vaccinations.
Medications N/A
Allergies N/A
Conditions N/A
Veterinarian Garland Animal Clinic

(509) 326-3151