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Bucaroo is lost!

Lost Date July 12th, 4:20am
Wearing collar? No


pet found at marker location on map


Bucaroo, a gray/black tabby Cat
Tag Code N02BE866 (Expired)
Breed tabby
Species Cat

Basic Information

Color gray/black
Gender Male
Spayed/Neutered Yes
Microchip Number 0A14192743
Pet Date of Birth 02/16/2014
Identifying Markings Most tabby cats look so much like, only real thing is he has a notch out of the top of right ear.
Coat Short
Pet Biography Rescued Buc basically - he was at a pet store but his kitty meow was relenting and sounded in pain. Upon asking about this, was told he was always loud like that. Although, not a cat person myself, I knew something was wrong and couldn’t stand it so ended up adopting the “free” kitty for $85 right on the spot. Come to find out he had a severe I test i am blockage and most likely would’ve died without medical attention and our living care. He grew to be healthy, feisty, rambunctious and liked to stand up on hind legs, this the name Bucaroo, as a baby kangaroo also does this and is called a buckaroo. He loved roaming our 10 acres but became much more reserved as we had to move into the city when he was just about 3 years old. Most recently, he has been missing now from our home in N. Spokane since May 10, 2019

Owner Information

Owner Name Joe Conger
Phone Number (509) 821-1560
Cell Phone Number (509) 890-3442
Email Address jozsweetpea@yahoo.com
Home Address 3821 W Indian Trail Rd
Spokane WA 99208

Pet Care Information

Temperaments Skittish and street smart until he knows you
Friendly with People Yes
Friendly with Children Yes
Friendly with Dogs Yes
Friendly with Cats Yes
Type of Food Yellow Bag of Meow Mix dry kibble only
Feeding Schedule and Amount Open feeding
Permissible Foods Only cat chow
Exercise Requirements Loves to run, hide, play outdoors. Used to live on 10 acre ranch and was much happier, as now we are in the city limits and he is more elusive and introverted.
Other Care Instructions for my Pet RIGHT NOW BUCAROO HAS BASICALLY BEEN MISSING SINCE MAY 10, 2019, with only brief reappearances but haven’t seen him at all now for nearly 3 weeks!!!!!

Medical Information

Vaccines Up to date
Medications None
Allergies None
Conditions None
Veterinarian DPVC

(509) 276-5091