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Good news! Reuben has been found!

Lost Date July 1st, 12:42pm
Wearing collar? Yes
Wearing DocuPet tag? No
Last seen at 4608 B Wallbridge Rd, Deer Park, WA 99006, USA
Found Date July 12th, 4:00pm
Reuben was last seen in the area of 4349 Grote Rd. Clayton,Wa 99010


pet found at marker location on map


Reuben, a Brindle/White Boston Terrier X Bulldog Dog
Tag Code CHQYYW (Expired)
Breed Boston Terrier X Bulldog
Species Dog

Basic Information

Color Brindle/White
Gender Male
Spayed/Neutered Yes
Pet Date of Birth 08/01/2007
Identifying Markings Thumbprint on top of head
Coat He looks brown but his coat is actually Brindle.
Pet Biography Reuben is microchipped through HomeAgain. He was born August 1, 2007. He currently lives in Spokane Washington. He is friendly to other dogs but can chase cats. He loves to hunt squirrels. He is a beloved pet. He has to be on a low-carb diet.

Owner Information

Owner Name Sunny Earles
Phone Number (206) 949-3650
Cell Phone Number (206) 949-3650
Work Phone Number (206) 949-3650
Email Address sunnysweetspot@gmail.com

Pet Care Information

Attended Training School Yes
Temperaments Friendly
Friendly with People Yes
Friendly with Children Yes
Friendly with Dogs Yes
Type of Food LoCatb Organic
Feeding Schedule and Amount Reuben should only be fed twice a day with a maximum of 520 cal he should weigh about 23 to 25 pounds.
Permissible Foods Low carb no grain organic preferred
Exercise Requirements He must exercise every day
Other Care Instructions for my Pet He must exercise every day....We treat him gently because he is in a rambunctious Boston terrier French Bulldog. Please see his Facebook page and blog. We are careful with him because he’s getting up in years. We do massage him and do chiropractic care. He is mostly a lapdog he cannot be outside in a kennel.

Medical Information

Vaccines Uncertain… He was with a an unethical foster care person by the name of Roxy Stedman-Smith she will not provide current vaccine information or records because she attempted to steal him permanently from us.
Medications No medications
Allergies Allergic to grass
Conditions Allergic to grass